June 25, 2018

Share error segments as bookmarks across your team

You can now create personalized error segments and share them with your entire team using shared bookmarks in Bugsnag. The new search bar in Bugsnag lets you easily segment your error data so you can view the most relevant errors and ensure the stability of your application. Sharing them with your entire team makes it easy to access the most important error data and keep everyone aware of your application’s stability.

Shared bookmarks

Highlight important error segments with shared bookmarks

You can use shared bookmarks to ensure your entire team is monitoring errors that can cause application stability issues. Save the most important segments for your team so they can easily return to refreshed results when investigating stability issues.

The search bar unlocks powerful capabilities for segmenting errors in order to view a personalized view of your data. You can create segments based on:

  • Errors from multiple release stages (production + beta)
  • Errors originating in a specific section of your application
  • Errors impacting important customers

You can learn more about the segments you can create in our segmentation guide.

Creating shared bookmarks

Creating a shared bookmark is simple.

  1. Build a segment using the search bar or search builder in combination with quick filters.
  2. Click Bookmark current search in the lefthand bar in your inbox (or the top right corner of the search bar).
  3. Give your bookmarked segment a name.
  4. Check the box Share this bookmark with my team.
  5. Select Add bookmark.
VIP customer bookmark

And you’re done! It will now appear in the lefthand bar with other saved bookmarks for you and your entire team. You can edit it by clicking the dots next to the shared symbol to delete, rename, or change the share settings.

Learn more about the search bar in Bugsnag and visit our segmentation guide for examples of building error segments.

BugSnag helps you prioritize and fix software bugs while improving your application stability
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