April 29, 2024

Introducing BugSnag Real User Monitoring for Flutter & React Native Applications

We’re excited to announce that BugSnag now supports performance monitoring for applications built in Flutter and React Native. These platforms join existing performance support for iOS, Android, Unity, and web frameworks.

Flutter is a cross-platform app development framework created by Google and powered by the Dart language. Flutter allows developers to use one codebase to build, test, and deploy their apps across multiple platforms.

With Flutter, teams can create a single app for deployment across Android, iOS, web, and desktop platforms. Many developers find that Flutter is very intuitive and easy to use. Add in the fact Flutter is open source, and you can begin to understand why Flutter adoption is accelerating and why it’s become a true rival to React Native in the world of cross-platform frameworks.

Why is React Native popular?

React Native is a cross-platform open-source framework developed by Meta. Primarily used for building mobile applications on iOS and Android, React Native allows developers to use the React framework and JavaScript alongside native application components.

React Native benefits from strong community support, with a wealth of libraries and plugins available for developers. The framework also uses native UI elements to give applications an authentic feel. With widespread adoption since its creation, React Native remains extremely popular among developers.

Using BugSnag performance monitoring for Flutter and React Native projects

So, what do you need to monitor the performance of your Flutter and React Native applications? Let’s look.

Gain real-time data on real user experience

Now that BugSnag’s performance monitoring solution supports Flutter and React Native, developers can gain key performance insights into applications built with these frameworks.

RUM allows developers to get the insights they need to provide their users with an exceptional digital experience. As customers become more impatient and less tolerant of slow applications, maintaining high performance is critical to all applications. The data shows bad user experiences negatively impact conversion, and great user experiences are rewarded with customer loyalty and boosted revenue.

Key engineering benefits of performance monitoring

Real user monitoring is critical for modern businesses that offer SaaS or consumer applications. Here are some benefits of implementing a performance solution for your team:

Quickly Surface Issues – Performance monitoring enables organizations to quickly identify performance issues impacting production users – even if they don’t report them. That way, you don’t need to rely on support tickets to be aware of poor end-user experiences.

Monitoring Key Operations – With performance monitoring, engineering teams can monitor start times, screen loads, network requests, and any other operation chosen to instrument.

Detailed Actionable Data – Span details are captured and displayed intuitively to show engineers exactly where time was spent in an operation, helping them to get to the heart of the problem as soon as possible.

Targeted Segmentation – Filter user performance aggregates and graphs to see the characteristics of relevant attributes including device type, OS version, and app release, allowing fine-grained insight into the performance of different cohorts.


Performance monitoring is critical for modern organizations that need to deliver high performing applications. With performance monitoring from BugSnag, you’ll experience developer-first observability, so you can quickly identify and prioritize performance issues impacting your application. You’re also able to control data costs with dynamic sampling so you can get cost-effective insights built to scale with your business.

Take control of your user experience! Try BugSnag free for 14 days, no credit card required. Check out a demo to learn more.

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