December 13, 2014

Twelve Features of Christmas Day 2: View your Raw Stacktrace

It’s day 2 of the 12 Features of Christmas, and we’re excited to present access to your raw stacktrace! From the details page of an error, you can select to view the raw version of your stacktrace.

Ruby raw stacktrace

This means you’ll see an unstyled stacktrace, customized to your project type. So for Ruby users, you’ll see the raw stacktrace you’re used to, while Python users will see one that’s Python specific.

Python raw stacktrace

With access to your raw stacktrace, copy and pasting your code into a text editor or elsewhere is simple. We’re saving you time so you can fix any bugs without the hassle.

We’d love to hear from you so be sure to reach out to us with any feedback or questions via Twitter!

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