Best-in-class mobile crash reporting and stability management

Looking for an alternative to Firebase?

Data privacy  /  Actionable insights  /  Powerful search and segmentation
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Crashlytics to Firebase: it’s complicated

Firebase is an early-stage application development platform with a nascent crash reporting module, which emerged from the acquisitions of Fabric and Crashlytics. Current Fabric Crashlytics users must migrate to Firebase by a quickly approaching deadline of March 2020. 

The tedious migration process requires users to install both Firebase and Google Analytics SDKs and then toggle between the Fabric and Firebase dashboards for visibility into application errors, since many key Firebase crash reporting features are still in beta. 

Where are the actionable insights and contextual data?

A free crash reporting module within an application development platform does not surface the advanced data and insights that are needed to monitor application stability, prioritize errors, and debug efficiently.

Enterprises like yours trust a mature crash reporting and stability management platform to expertly monitor apps

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BugSnag is your trusted enterprise-scale partner

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BugSnag does not use or share your data because we take privacy seriously.

Meet the most complex enterprise privacy and compliance requirements by hosting BugSnag on your infrastructure or cloud instance with our Single machine and Clustered On-Premises options.

BugSnag On-Premises
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There is also no ecosystem lock-in with BugSnag.

Choose the best technology for your business needs and easily switch cloud providers with minimal risk as your business scales.

See all integrations
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No need to pay for BigQuery for analysis of Firebase data.

Send BugSnag data into your existing systems for granular reporting using our BI integrations and fully featured API.

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Full context for mobile application stability

Make data-driven decisions about your apps

Without stability targets in Firebase, how will your engineering and product organizations align around stability goals and decide where to invest their time?

BugSnag lets you easily set target and critical stability targets and make data-driven decisions about whether engineers should build new features or fix bugs.

Deliver consistently stable mobile apps to your users

Detect every error impacting the user experience with our best-in-class Android, iOS, and React Native support. All BugSnag notifiers are open source and there are no workarounds required like those in Firebase.

Move through your debugging workflow with BugSnag’s collaboration features and two-way integrations with issue trackers and on-call tools.

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Understand which bugs to prioritize and fix

With Firebase, how would you know which bugs need more attention than others when it is so difficult to filter through error reports?

  • BugSnag allows you to segment errors by spend, SLA, or subscription tier so you can prioritize errors affecting key customers. 
  • Diagnose and fix errors efficiently by using our search bar to isolate events by stack trace, thread, device, application, experiments, and custom attributes.
More about search and segmentation
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Easily find, filter, & bookmark application errors

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Quickly identify affected users

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Narrow in on customer segments

Error monitor report for testing icon.

Monitor app errors in A/B tests & experiments

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Comprehensive onboarding support 

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White glove service

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Dedicated executive sponsor, CSM, & Solutions Engineer

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We’re here for you

Our engineers care deeply about the health of your applications. They work hand-in-hand to get you up and running quickly and deliver proactive support.

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Breakups are tough.
Not this one.

Frustrated with Crashlytics? Watch our video on why Andi and Ashly are breaking up. Breakups are usually tough, but see why this one isn’t for Andi.