Don’t let shopping carts be abandoned over a bug or defect. Undetected eCommerce errors can result in huge revenue losses, particularly when they affect your most loyal shoppers. With the advanced search builder in BugSnag, you can filter and bookmark errors impacting any particular segment of users or even a specific feature within your application.
Deliver smooth customer experiences during your busiest periods. The BugSnag Releases Dashboard
displays the health of every release at a glance so developers always know whether a release can
handle a peak shopping season. Additionally, you’ll see when a new error is introduced in the
latest release so that you can review it right away.
Enable shoppers to browse, navigate, and purchase without disruption. The Stability Center displays the stability scores, or crash-free rates, of your various projects. Whether your project reaches your stability target, you’ll know when it’s time to build new features or time to fix errors. Now, you can rest confidently on a data-driven approach to error management.
uses BugSnag across 30 developer teams to service over 377,000 online stores.
BugSnag’s detailed and precise error reports provide engineers with the information they need to
efficiently reproduce and fix software errors. Our collection of error insights is perfect for
every occasion.
Still logging? How about a
Though logging solutions offer a valuable method for tracking error
data, they don’t provide engineers readable error reports for reproducing and fixing errors
quickly. Empower your engineering team with an error monitoring solution that fits their
Increase developer productivity by reducing the time needed to find and fix errors. BugSnag’s Alerting and Workflow Engine
minimizes noise from notifications and prioritizes errors, which enables developers to:
Engineers are the best in the business and should spend their valuable time building your core
product. Prevent your employees from burning out over an in-house tool. Give the gift of a third
party error monitoring solution used by fellow industry leaders that want to achieve the same
business outcomes.